Your Body is Your House

 The Foundation of your HOUSE/BODY

  It is everywhere. You hear about it on the television, on the radio, social media, in emails and invitations for webinars! The Gut has gotten so popular many people are becoming more aware about the gut and their poop!

  I got excited years ago when a gastrointestinal doctor started sending me his patients for colonoscopies preps. The timing was perfect when I was invited into his office. I learned a lot from being in a traditional doctor’s office and I am forever grateful. Today many traditional doctors are opening up their minds to the importance of the gut.

 Here are some facts that you may not have heard the gut.

The gut is known as the second brain. It can function independently from the brain. In fact, 9 messages are sent from the gut to the brain where the brain sends 1 message to the gut.

You have over 100 million brain cells in your gut!!! Who does the thinking or controls your emotions?

The Vagus Nerve, is the 10th cranial nerve, I call it the main conductor because it’s the body’s major parasympathetic nerve that effects the head, neck, chest and abdomen. It helps regulate your heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, speaking and digestion.

80-90% of your immune system is on your GUT. 

             You have the same neurotransmitters in your Gut as in your brain. More commonly known neurotransmitters are serotonin and dopamine.

The bacteria in the colon. I was amazed that 3 pounds of bacteria reside in the colon. My mentor, Brenda Watson talked about this 30 years ago!!!

Your colon is a 4-layer muscle that expands and contracts. It is a long as you are tall. However, do not let that statement fool you. With many years of experience and working with GI doctors, not all colons are not created equal.

  Let’s look at the colon and a condition that 63 million Americans suffer from….CONSTIPATION. What is constipation? Constipation can be defined as irregular or incomplete bowel movements difficult to pass. According to the medical community, the normal length of time between bowel movements will vary widely from person to person, some people will go three times daily while others may eliminate a few times a week. Traditional doctors feel that it depends on the person and three times weekly is okay.

 As a Colon Hydrotherapist, three bowel movements today is ideal, however; a bowel movement daily is considered good in today’s world.

Think of it, if you’re eating three meals daily, that is 1095 meals yearly and you have one bowel movement daily, where are the other three 730 meals?

Does it make you wonder? Are all those large guts full of fat, gas or/and poop!?

What causes constipation? There is not one thing however, there are possibilities and it could be more than one thing. Some of those possibilities are the lack of fiber, lack of physical activity, physiology, emotional upset, poor diet, medications, food sensitivities, allergies, scar tissue and more.

As you can see, constipation is not always easy to remedy and each person is different. Just like our lifestyles and show we handle stress. Stress can be held in the body anywhere neck, back and gut. 

Everyone poops, so let’s talk about poop💩! Think back when we potty trained our children and were so excited when they went on the potty. Well, we should continue that excitement throughout our life! If we do not have bowel movements that toxic material will be absorbed back into our body. We can be swimming in a toxic mess.

Did you know that the color and size of your bowel movements can give you information about yourself ?  The easiest to recognize is dehydration. Usually the stool is like balls or very hard. For more information, you can look on line, Bristle Stool Chart.

 Gas can be caused by constipation. Another topic that is coming out of the dark.

   I recently read an article about flatulence more commonly known as farts. It is wonderful how our bodily functions are coming out in the open. After all, we all do the same things and will not admit it! My grandson is at the age where farts are fun. When I told him that he could fart as much as he wanted he was confused. In other places farts are frowned upon and considered rude. It is a normal bodily function. We fart 10-17 times daily.  Sometimes I have a symphony at my house with the grandkids….lol

 Since we are on the topic of gas, do you know what causes gas? From my perspective  there is never 1 thing that causes something else. There are always possibilities. Here are some culprits

of gas, chewing gum, drinking carbonated drinks, chewing your food too fast, lactose intolerant, food allergies and more. 

The interesting thing about gas is that it travels at its own pace through the colon. It can actually cause stool to back up. A client shared with me that he had to take his child to the emergency because they were complaining of terrible pain. The x-ray revealed they had a gas pocket in her colon.

Another client come in recently complaining of being bloated and gassy. When they shared with me what they ate, I thought her stomach was a dumpster! We are not always thinking about the food we ingest and how they combine their foods. When we drink sugary drinks and/or milk on top of meat, carbohydrates what would you expect? Cows can handle milk just great. Humans on the other hand only have 1 stomach, cows have 4! Also, greens have more calcium then milk and we can digest it so much easier.

 So you see, we are becoming more aware about our health and bodies. We might think about how our body is our home ….so let’s love our colon and body. After all it is the only one we have.

Suzanne Gray